
This is the project blog of Multilingual NetBeans Community Docs Program- a community documentation project which has grown in leaps-and-bounds since it was launched in March, 2007. We have had high quality contributions and more enthusiastic community members.

We have stopped publishing weekly newsletters, however we started off publishing monthly one's instead. Scroll down for latest posts on this blog!

Last Updated: Oct 14, 2009

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Community Recognition- Diego Silva

Diego Silva had once got the spotlight, recently acknowledged as Significant Contributor to our documentation project, during NetBeans Birthday Celebrations, when we got Community Recognition.

He's been a long time contributor of several kinds of documentations for Spanish community, so lets have a look at some of them contributed in recent times...


Oct 24
Instrucciones para trabajar la traducción de NetBeans 6.5 usando Subversion

Tips and Tricks

Oct 17
Cambiando el Look And Feel de NetBeans
Oct 16
Internacionalización (i18n) con Visual JSF

He was sensation when he began in July, August. He's been quite for a while, as he's busy working for Spanish Translation Team. For more contributions, refer the archives.

Diego, thanks for your contributions!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

NBCD Weekly Newsletter #15 (German)

Spotlight der Woche

Luis Enrique Funes
"Aktuell für R-Link, eine Telekommunikations-Firma, arbeitend, verbringe ich
die meiste Zeit mit der Entwicklung von Kommunikations-Treibern und AVL-Viewern (sowohl desktop- als auch web-basiert) für die Hardware, die unsere Firma herstellt, und ich beschäftige mich auch mit allem, was mit GIS zu tun hat. Hauptsächlich entwickle ich in Java (mit NetBeans) und PHP; für letzteres nutze ich zurzeit noch Notepad++, habe aber vor, vollständig auf NetBeans zu migrieren."

Zudem haben wir einen weiteren signifikanten Autor, der auch mit der Anerkennung der Community während des NetBeans B'day Bash geehrt wurde:

Hubert A. Klein Ikkink
Er ist schon seit langer Zeit Verfasser von Tips und Tricks, also laßt uns einen Blick auf seine vielen aktuellen Beiträge werfen. Zudem hat er auch den bisherigen Rekord gebrochen hinsichtlich der größten Menge von Beiträgen von einem einzelnen Nutzer in einem Monat

NetBeans IDE 6.5 (jetzt freigegeben)

Aktuelle Beiträge

Tips und Tricks

Hubert A. Klein Ikkink
21. November | Keyboard Shortcuts Reference Card in NetBeans

21. November | Using NetBeans HTTP monitor with Jetty and Maven

16. November | Check Java version in the About Box

16. November | Use fix code to correct your code


Filip Jirsák

20. November | Usage of Spring and hibernate in NetBeans Platform application
Luis Enrique Funes
15. November | Conociendo a NetBeans Platform: Introducción

Spezielle Neuigkeiten

Neuer Autor
Filip Jirsák is the neueste Autor im NetBeans Community Docs - Programm

Entwicklung - vereinfacht...
NetBeans™ IDE 6.5 bringt einige neue Funktionen, einschließlich einer robusten IDE für PHP, JavaScript, Debugging für Firefox und IE sowie Unterstützung für Groovy und Grails.

Viele Rekorde...
Dies ist das allererste Mal, daß ein Nutzer in allen Bereichen dieses Newsletters vertreten war. Wir freuen uns bekanntzugeben, daß Hubert A Klein Ikkink den Rekord der maximalen Anzahl von Beiträgen eines einzelnen Nutzers in einem Monat gebrochen hat. Dieser lag zuvor bei Varun Nischal, der 8 Artikel in einem einzigen Tag im Juni verfaßt hat.

Aktivster Autor...
Hubert A. Klein Ikkink

Diese Ausgabe wurde bearbeitet von:
Kristian Rink
Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch , Deutsch , Spanisch

Android Development with NetBeans: updated doc

Hi Folks,

I am happy to report that the Community Docs contribution: http://wiki.netbeans.org/IntroAndroidDevNetBeans has been updated for NetBeans 6.5 and Android SDK 1.0 R1


NBCD Spotlight- Paulo Canedo

Where do you live?
Palmas, Tocantins (In the heart of Brazil).

What do you do?

Currently, I'm working in Enterprise Government of my State, developing an Accounting Audit Application using NetBeans Platform, also I'm working in a separated project developing an application that makes Retirement Calculation.

Recent Contributions

When did you first start using NetBeans?

Immediately, when Netbeans 4.0 was released. One year after I entered University.

What do you like best about NetBeans?

The editor with several functions and shortcuts, that helps me too much when I need to be fast :)

Paulo, was recently recognized as a significant contributor to translation project. Thanks for your contributions!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

NBCD Weekly Newsletter #15 (Spanish)

Destacado de la Semana

Luis Enrique Funes
Actualmente, trabaja en una compañia dedicada a telecomunicaciones llamada R-Link. Me dedico generalmente al desarrollo de drivers de comunicaciones y visualizadores de AVL (tanto Web como de escritorio) para el hardware desarrollado en la compañia, y además estoy encargado de todo lo referente a SIG. Desarrollo principalmente en Java (usando NetBeans IDE) y PHP (uso particularmente el editor Notepad++, y en este momento estoy en plena migración a NetBeans).
Además, tenemos otro importante contribuyente, que obtuvo el Community Recognition durante NetBeans B'day Bash. Por lo tanto, permítase echarle un vistazo a él;

Hubert A. Klein Ikkink

Él ha sido por largo tiempo contribuyente de trucos y sugerencias, por lo que permita echar un vistazo a muchos de ellos que contribuyo recientemente...También, el acaba de romper el récord del máximo numero de contribuciones de documentos realizados por un miembro de la comunidad en un solo mes
NetBeans IDE 6.5 (Just Released)

Últimos documentos

Trucos y Sugerencias

Hubert A. Klein Ikkink
Nov 21 | Keyboard Shortcuts Reference Card in NetBeans

Nov 21 | Using NetBeans HTTP monitor with Jetty and Maven

Nov 16 | Check Java version in the About Box

Nov 16 | Use fix code to correct your code


Filip Jirsák

Nov 20 | Usage of Spring and hibernate in NetBeans Platform application
Luis Enrique Funes
Nov 15 | Conociendo a NetBeans Platform: Introducción

Noticias Especiales

Nuevo Contribuyente..
Filip Jirsák es el último contribuyente del programa NetBeans Community Docs .

Desarrollo Simplificado..
NetBeans™ IDE 6.5 introduce varias características nuevas, incluyendo un robusto IDE para PHP, JavaScript, Depuración para Firefox e IE, y el soporte para Groovy y Grails.

Records Tumbling..

Esta es la primera vez, que alguien aparece en cada sección de las noticias semanal. Estamos orgullosos de anunciar,que Hubert A Klein Ikkink a roto el record del número máximo de contribuciones de documentos en un solo mes por un miembro de la comunidad. Previamente alcanzado por Varun Nischal, quien contribuyo con 8 documentos en un solo día en el mes de Junio.

Contribuidor Superior..
Hubert A. Klein Ikkink
Esta edición se ha presentado a usted por;
Aristides Villarreal Bravo
Available Languages- English , German , Spanish

Monday, November 24, 2008

NBCD Weekly Newsletter #15

Spotlight of the Week

Luis Enrique Funes
Currently, working in a company dedicated to telecommunications called R-Link. I dedicate it mostly to the development of communication drivers and AVL viewers (both Web and desktop) for the hardware developed in the company, and I also keeping everything that has to do with GIS. Major developed in JAVA (using NetBeans IDE) and PHP (I particularly like using Notepad++ editor, and I'm fully migrating to NetBeans).

Also, we have got yet another significant contributor, who got Community Recognition during NetBeans B'day Bash. So, lets have a look at him;

Hubert A. Klein Ikkink
He's been a long time contributor of tips and Tricks, so lets have a look at many of them contributed in recent times...Also, he has just broken the record of contributing maximum no. of docs by a community member in a single month.

NetBeans IDE 6.5 (Just Released)

Latest docs

Tips and Tricks

Hubert A. Klein Ikkink
Nov 21 | Keyboard Shortcuts Reference Card in NetBeans

Nov 21 | Using NetBeans HTTP monitor with Jetty and Maven

Nov 16 | Check Java version in the About Box

Nov 16 | Use fix code to correct your code


Filip Jirsák

Nov 20 | Usage of Spring and hibernate in NetBeans Platform application
Luis Enrique Funes
Nov 15 | Conociendo a NetBeans Platform: Introducción

Special News

New Contributor..
Filip Jirsák is the latest contributor of the NetBeans Community Docs Program.

Development Simplified..
NetBeans™ IDE 6.5 introduces several new features, including a robust IDE for PHP, JavaScript, Debugging for Firefox and IE, and support for Groovy and Grails.

Records Tumbling..
This is the very first time, someone has been featured in every single section of the weekly newsletter. We are proud to announce, Hubert A Klein Ikkink has broken the record of contributing maximum no. of docs in a single month by a community member. Previously held by Varun Nischal, who contributed 8 docs within a single day in the month of June.

Topmost Contributor..
Hubert A. Klein Ikkink

This edition was brought to you by;
Varun Nischal
Available Languages- English , German , Spanish

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Community Recognition- Hubert A. Klein Ikkink

Hubert A Klein Ikkink had once got the spotlight, recently acknowledged as Significant Contributor to our documentation project, during NetBeans Birthday Celebrations, when we got Community Recognition.

He's been a long time contributor of tips and Tricks, so lets have a look at many of them contributed in recent times...Also, he has just broken the record of contributing maximum no. of docs by a community member in a single month.

Tips and Tricks

Nov 21
Using NetBeans HTTP monitor with Jetty and Maven
Nov 16
Use fix code to correct your code
Nov 06
Getting sources from Maven repositories
Nov 05
NetBeans with newer Subversion client
Nov 04
Debugging Cocoon 2.2 in NetBeans

There are 5 more contributed this month apart from many contributed in previous 2-3 months! For more info, refer the archives.

Hubert, thanks for your contributions!

Friday, November 21, 2008

NBCD Spotlight- Luis Enrique Funes

Where do you live?
I live in Mendoza, Argentina.

What do you do?
Currently, working in a company dedicated to telecommunications called
R-Link. I dedicate it mostly to the development of communication
drivers and AVL viewers(both Web and desktop) for the hardware
developed in the company, and I also keeping everything that has to do
with GIS. Major developed in JAVA (using NetBeans IDE) and PHP (I
particularly like using Notepad++ editor, and I'm fully migrating to

Previously, I worked as a developer for a company fully dedicated to
regional projects GIS. Also, I like to investigate the problems that I encounter in my daily work, and write (to the extent that it allows me time off) solutions which I
discovered on my blog or where to find or channel for doing so.

Besides the lure of being able to help others, really helps me to me, because I'm quite upset to investigate the same things twice :)
Started working with NetBeans IDE in version 4.0 and playing with the
NetBeans Platform since version 5.0!

What do you like best about NetBeans?
The features that attracted me most: Platform, GUI builder, Profile,
Java EE, Ruby, Web Services, ... , and the great community.

Luis, thanks for your contributions!

Monday, November 17, 2008

NBCD Weekly Newsletter #14

Spotlight of the Week

As stated earlier, there were 5 members who were considered to be significant contributors. So, lets have a look at the next significant contributor;

Siegfried Bolz
He had once got the spotlight, and was recently acknowledged as Significant Contributor to our documentation project (during NetBeans Birthday Celebrations), as he has been a long-time contributor of Tutorials!
Latest docs

Developer FAQ

Tom Wheeler
Week #14

Nov 10 | There sure are a lot of modules in the source tree. What are they for?

Tips and Tricks

Hubert A. Klein Ikkink
Week #13

Nov 04 | Debugging Cocoon 2.2 in NetBeans

Nov 05 | NetBeans with newer Subversion client

Nov 06 | Getting sources from Maven repositories

Nov 06 | Getting javadocs from Maven repositories

Week #14

Nov 12 | Context sensitive code completion in NetBeans

Nov 12 | NetBeans can suggest variable names
Luis Enrique Funes
Week #13

Nov 07 | Agregando tareas al script de ANT en un proyecto de NetBeans


John Kostaras
Week #13

Nov 03 | File upload with Spring
Aristides Villarreal Bravo
Week #13

Nov 04 | Primeros pasos con Documentos NetBeans
Kristian Rink
Week #13

Nov 06 | Schnellstart mit der NetBeans-Dokumentation
Wesley Liu
Week #13

Nov 07 | Using OpenEJB for Unit Testing with Hibernate in NetBeans IDE


Prakan Puvibunsuk
Week #13

Nov 01 | Howto create Multiform in SAF

Special News

New Contributor..
Wesley Liu is the latest contributor of the NetBeans Community Docs Program.

September and October contributions have been archived, and they are no longer visible on the main contribution list!

Where's 13th Weekly?
Read this special entry where we answer this question..

Topmost Contributor..
Hubert A. Klein Ikkink

This edition was brought to you by;
Varun Nischal
Available Languages- English , German , Spanish

Where's 13th Weekly?

Hello all,

You might have got into a habit of receiving our weekly newsletters. However, due to some technical issues, we could not deliver the 13th edition. So, without breaking the count, we would publish the 14th edition this week.

Thanks for your understanding!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Community Recognition- Siegfried Bolz

Siegfried Bolz, he had once got the spotlight, recently acknowledged as Significant Contributor to our documentation project, during NetBeans Birthday Celebrations, when we got Community Recognition.

He's been a long time contributor of tutorials on Web Services, so lets have a look at some of them contributed in recent times...


July 25
Transforming SOAP-Messages with XSLT
July 24
Using Spring 2 and Facelets together with NetBeans 6.1

Siegfried, thanks for your contributions!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

NetBeans Community Docs Reloaded


Guess what, we accomplish yet another milestone- we have now got 250 community-contributed documents!

It's been 10 days since NetBeans Official Birthday (October 26, 2008) and today, we have finally made it. So, we acknowledge our dearest contributors for their time and support. Thank you, thank you so much for contributing!

Reloading Documentation

As a result of a discussion that took place few weeks back on our mailing lists. Now, it's the right time to announce some major developments that were taking place under the hood for the common good.

Have a look at the Main contribution list at Community Docs;

Now, as you will note change in color of table headers, that's something new I discovered while exploring wiki.netbeans.org! They are actually sortable headers, you click any header and see it live. Its cool :-) Another thing to notice, the category mentioned in each row is click-able either pointing to Developer FAQs or newly created sub-level wikis..

Sub-level wikis..
Currently, community can look for tutorials, tips and tricks, screencasts and articles. Also, there are localized wikis (Spanish, German) being made in parallel to these English ones!

So, what would happen now, is that when you contribute a documentation, it gets first listed into the Main list as pointed out earlier. Also, the category to which it belongs to will be converted into a hyperlink, so as to point to the category-specific wiki listing several documentations falling under that category. Also, this makes it easier to locate community-contributed docs for specific details, just mentioned.

For instance,
Let's say there's a user who's new to NetBeans wants a tutorial/guide to know how to install NetBeans on Ubuntu, Fedora, etc.. We can direct him to the following wiki-page;
http://wiki.netbeans.org/NBCDTutorials and then, go to "Installation" section from Table of Contents.

In short, go to-

How simple it becomes to actually find community contributed documentation :-)

We have reached a point where we can have the NetBeans Community Docs project in localized languages. So, we have setup the Community Docs in German and Spanish. These initiatives have been driven by our evangelists, Kristian and Aristides.

Also, in the respective localized setups, they have created localized guides for "Getting Started with NetBeans Docs" and "Tutorial template", so as the Spanish and German users can quickly get started with contributing documentations.

Each and every table present in top-level and various sub-level wikis (we would now be maintaining) would have sortable headers.

The Community Docs Wiki, would continue to aggregate localized and English wikis, however Spanish and German would only aggregate the respective localized docs. Note- data would first go into the Main list, then only rest parallel wikis and sub-level wikis would be updated..

Hope this helps!

NBCD Weekly Newsletter #12 (Spanish)

Destacado de la Semana

Esta vez no haremos ninguna pregunta,en su lugar mencionaremos a aquellos que han recibo recientemente el Reconocimiento de la Comunidad por sus contribuciones al programa NetBeans Community Docs.

Hay 5 miembros que se consideran importantes colaboradores. Para iniciar con esto, permita dar un vistazo a los siguientes colaboradores;

Prakan Puvibunsuk
El había recibido el spotlight, y fue recientemente reconocido como Colaborador Importante en nuestro proyecto de documentación (durante la Celebración del Cumpleaños de NetBeans ), también ha sido desde hace mucho tiempo colaborador de Screencasts!
Mes de Octubre- 15 Documentos Contribuidos..

Últimos Documentos


Aristides Villarreal Bravo
Oct 29 | Proyecto WebSynergy

Consejos y Trucos

Hubert A. Klein Ikkink
Oct 30 | Show Maven Build Plan in NetBeans
George Birbilis
Oct 28 | Repairing NetBeans Support for Java Code after a JDK Reinstallation
Varun Nischal
Oct 28 | Configure Clusters And Modules

Oct 28 | Editor Windows Reactivated


Roger Searjeant

Oct 31 | Fixing Blank Dialog Box in NetBeans

Noticias Especiales

Dos Nuevos Contribuidores..
George Birbilis y Roger Searjeant, permitame darles una cálida bienvenida y usar sus documentos para ayudarles a ustedes y a otros también.!

Septiembre y Octubre las contribuciones han sido archivadas, así estas seguirán siendo visibles en la lista principal de contribución ,permanezca atento a las actualizaciones!

Contribuidor Superior..

Varun Nischal

Blog da Docs

Esta sección presenta las entradas en el blog de los documentos aportados por los contribuyentes superiores ,ofrecido en nuestro Boletín Semanal #10.

Diego E. Silva L. (Diego Silva)
01-02 | Look and Feel, plus Internationalization

Dream Team Docs
Agosto 2008 [Developer FAQs]
Tom contribuyo con algunas faqs para desarrolladores en el mes de Agosto. Gracias a ti suscribase a la siguiente serie de mini-blogs;

Esta edición se ha presentado a usted por;
Aristides Villarreal Bravo

Envie sus comentarios/sugerencias para mejorarlo..
Si desea suscribirse mediante email para el semanal-
hágalo ahora!
Muchas gracias!
Available Languages: English , German , Spanish

NBCD Weekly Newsletter #12 (German)

Spotlight der Woche

Diesmal haben wir keine Fragen gestellt, sondern wollen jene vorstellen, die erst kürzlich die Anerkennung der Community für ihre Beiträge zum NetBeans Community Docs - Programm bekommen haben.

Insgesamt gab es 5 Mitglieder, die als "bedeutende Mitwirkende" in Betracht gezogen wurden. Wir wollen uns dieser in loser Folge widmen:

Prakan Puvibunsuk
Er stand bereits im Spotlight und wurde kürzlich (während der NetBeans - Geburtstagsfeier) als bedeutender Mitwirkender unseres Dokumentationsprojektes gewürdigt, da er schon seit sehr langer Zeit Screencasts für das Projekt erarbeitet und bereitstellt.
Oktober: 15 neue Dokumentationsbeiträge...

Neueste Dokumentation


Aristides Villarreal Bravo
29. Oktober | Proyecto WebSynergy

Tips und Tricks

Hubert A. Klein Ikkink
30. Oktober | Show Maven Build Plan in NetBeans
George Birbilis
28. Oktober | Repairing NetBeans Support for Java Code after a JDK Reinstallation
Varun Nischal
28. Oktober | Configure Clusters And Modules

28. Oktober | Editor Windows Reactivated


Roger Searjeant

31. Oktober | Fixing Blank Dialog Box in NetBeans

Spezielle Neuigkeiten

Zwei neue Mitwirkende
George Birbilis and Roger Searjeant, begrüßt beide herzlich im Team und nutzt ihre Beiträge, um mehr über NetBeans zu lernen und anderen zu helfen.


Beiträge der Monate September und Oktober wurden archiviert, werden aber weiterhin in der Liste der Community-Beiträge sichtbar bleiben. Mehr hierzu später!

Aktivster Autor

Varun Nischal

Blog da Docs

Hier präsentieren wir diesmal die Blog-Einträge zu den Beiträgen unserer aktivesten Autoren in Weekly Newsletter Edition #10.

Diego E. Silva L. (Diego Silva)
01-02 | Look and Feel, plus Internationalization

Dream Team Docs
August 2008 [Entwickler-FAQs]
Tom steuerte im August einige Entwickler - FAQs bei. Danke für das Interesse an diesem Teil unseres Programmes!

Diese Ausgabe wurde bearbeitet von:
Kristian Rink

Sende uns Deine Kommentare und Vorschläge für Verbesserungen!
Ebenfalls verfügbar: E-Mail - Abonnements des Weekly Newsletter -
jetzt bestellen!
Vielen Dank!
Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch , Deutsch , Spanisch

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

NBCD Weekly Newsletter #12

Spotlight of the Week

This time we didn't ask any questions, instead we feature those who got Community Recognition recently for their contributions to the NetBeans Community Docs Program.

There were 5 members who were considered to be significant contributors. To start off with this, lets have a look at the following significant contributor;

Prakan Puvibunsuk
He had once got the spotlight, and was recently acknowledged as Significant Contributor to our documentation project (during NetBeans Birthday Celebrations), as he has been a long-time contributor of Screencasts!
October Month- 15 Docs Contributed..

Latest docs


Aristides Villarreal Bravo
Oct 29 | Proyecto WebSynergy

Tips and Tricks

Hubert A. Klein Ikkink
Oct 30 | Show Maven Build Plan in NetBeans
George Birbilis
Oct 28 | Repairing NetBeans Support for Java Code after a JDK Reinstallation
Varun Nischal
Oct 28 | Configure Clusters And Modules

Oct 28 | Editor Windows Reactivated


Roger Searjeant

Oct 31 | Fixing Blank Dialog Box in NetBeans

Special News

Two New Contributors..
George Birbilis and Roger Searjeant, lets give them a warm welcome and use their docs to help yourself and others too!

September and October contributions have been archived, as well as they would still continue to be visible on the main contribution list for sometime, stay tuned for updates!

Topmost Contributor..

Varun Nischal

Blog da Docs

This section features the blog entries of the docs contributed by the topmost contributor(s) featured, in our Weekly Newsletter Edition #10.

Diego E. Silva L. (Diego Silva)
01-02 | Look and Feel, plus Internationalization

Dream Team Docs
Aug 2008 [Developer FAQs]
Tom contributed some developer faqs in the month of August. Thank you subscribers for following this mini-blog series;

This edition was brought to you by;
Varun Nischal

Send in your comments/suggestions on improving it.
If you want to subscribe it through email for the weekly-
do it now!
Thank you so much!
Available Languages: English , German , Spanish

Aug 2008 | NBDT Developer FAQs

Lets take a look at the Developer FAQs contributed by NetBeans Dream Team Members during the month of August, 2008!
Records Tumbling...
You're in for a surprise, NetBeans Dream Team contributed 13 docs, comprising of tips & Tricks, Tutorials and Developer Faqs. Phew!


This month, our program had 23 contributions, back-to-back record breaking months. Also, this was the second time, when we saw many Dream Team members contributed docs, instead of one. Also, we reached an important milestone- 200 docs!

This is the third and final part of the mini-blog series initiated some time back... This entry would feature developer faqs.

Developer FAQs

Tom Wheeler
Aug 07
What are some of the hooks in the application's lifecycle I can plug into?

Aug 07
Can I create a console or server (non-GUI) app with the NetBeans Platform?

Aug 07
Other strategies for authentication and authorization

Thank you, Tom!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Community Recognition- Prakan Puvibunsuk

Prakan Puvibunsuk, he had once got the spotlight, recently acknowledged as Significant Contributor to our documentation project, during NetBeans Birthday Celebrations, when we got Community Recognition.

He's been a long time contributor of screencasts, so lets have a look at some of them contributed in recent times...

Tips and Tricks

Oct 12
Using Embedded Derby in SAF


Sep 09
J2ME Starter Guide using NetBeans
Aug 08
Visual Web Pack: Custom Message
Jul 30
SwingX (JXTable) and Beans Binding in NetBeans 6.x

Prakan, thanks for your contributions!

Look and Feel, plus Internationalization

Diego E. Silva L. (Diego Silva) was featured in our Weekly Newsletter Edition #10, as a Topmost Contributor. He contributed 2 taT's, one of them based on changing Look and Feel, the other focusing on Internationalization in Visual JSF Web Application. Lets, have a look-

Tips and Tricks

Oct 16 | Internacionalización (i18n) con Visual JSF
Todos sabemos que escribir un texto rígido (hard-code) en nuestras aplicaciones no es una buena práctica. Esto cubre también a los textos de los formularios. Todo debemos pasarlo a variables, y si modificamos el contenido de la variable, toda la aplicación donde usa esa variable, se actualizarán automáticamente. Bueno, eso lo sabemos todo.

Oct 17 | Cambiando el Look And Feel de NetBeans
Basado del artículo Changing Look and Feel de Tushar Joshi.
El look and feel predeterminado desde la versión 6.5 del IDE NetBeans se establece de acuerdo al sistema operativo.


Thanks, Diego!