
This is the project blog of Multilingual NetBeans Community Docs Program- a community documentation project which has grown in leaps-and-bounds since it was launched in March, 2007. We have had high quality contributions and more enthusiastic community members.

We have stopped publishing weekly newsletters, however we started off publishing monthly one's instead. Scroll down for latest posts on this blog!

Last Updated: Oct 14, 2009

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

NBCD Weekly Newsletter #11 (German)

Abschließende Anerkennungen

Und noch einmal "Hurra!", während die Feier zu NetBeans' 10. Geburtstag ihrem Ende entgegengeht! Und diesmal für all die herausragenden Persönlichkeiten , die in das NetBeans-Projekt involviert waren und sind, vom Start bis zum heutigen Tage. Wir wollen einigen von ihnen Dank und Anerkennung zuteil werden lassen...
Es gibt so viele Menschen, die dem NetBeans-Projekt durch diese Reise geholfen haben; auch wenn wir nicht alle namentlich würdigen können, gilt ihnen doch unsere äußerste Dankbarkeit. Danke für zehn wundervolle Jahre!
Das Decathlon endet, Grußworte kommen von James Gosling, dem Prager Büro, aus Brasilien und, abschließend, von Sun - CEO Jonathan Schwartz.

Danke, daß Ihr den NetBeans-Geburtstag
gefeiert habt!

Neueste Dokumentation


Aristides Villarreal Bravo
27. Oktober | Usar CVS

24. Oktober | Como integrar sus archivos en NetBeans CVS
Diego Silva
24. Oktober | Instrucciones para trabajar la traducción de NetBeans 6.5 usando Subversion


Varun Nischal

20. Oktober | Configure XAMPP with Database Explorer

Aristides Villarreal Bravo

20. Oktober | Plugins de Localizaciones

Spezielle Neuigkeiten

Mehrsprachiger Newsletter
Weekly Newsletter Edition #10 ist auch auf Spanisch erschienen. Hier finden sich mehr Informationen, wie mehrsprachige Newsletter mit E-Mail - und Newsreader - Anwendungen gelesen werden können.

Ein weiteres übernommenes Tutorial
Nach einer Lücke von fast zwei Monaten hat es wieder einmal ein Tutorial geschafft, in die NetBeans Knowledge Base übernommen zu werden.

Anerkennung der Community
Als Teil der Geburtstagsfeier wurde auch das NetBeans Community Docs - Programm in seiner Rolle gewürdigt und hat seinerseits die aktivsten Mitwirkenden gewürdigt. (Mehr...)

Aktivster Autor
Aristides Villarreal Bravo

Dream Team Docs
August 2008 [Tutorials]
Aristides hat im August eine ganze Menge an Tutorials verfaßt. Als nächstes an dieser Stelle: FAQs für Entwickler!

Diese Ausgabe wurde bearbeitet von:
Kristian Rink

Sende uns Deine Kommentare und Vorschläge für Verbesserungen!
Ebenfalls verfügbar: E-Mail - Abonnements des Weekly Newsletter -
jetzt bestellen!
Vielen Dank!
Verfügbare Sprachen: English , German , Spanish

NBCD Weekly Newsletter #11 (Spanish)

Reconocimientos Finales

La celebración de los 10 años de NetBeans llega a su fin! y un hurra va dedicado a todas las personas destacadas que han participado en el proyecto de NetBeans , desde el inicio hasta hoy en día con sus esfuerzos. Queremos reconocer y agradecer a algunos de ellos.
Hay tantas personas que han ayudado al Proyecto NetBeans a través de este viaje, aunque no podemos dar las gracias a todos por su nombre, tienen nuestra máxima gratitud. Gracias por estos increibles diez años!!
Decathlon finalizado, Saludos de James Gosling, oficina de Praga, Brazil y finalmente, cerramos con las palabras de Jonathan Schwartz CEO de Sun.

Gracias por su
celebración del cumpleaños de NetBeans !

Últimos documentos


Aristides Villarreal Bravo
Oct 27 | Usar CVS

Oct 24 | Como integrar sus archivos en NetBeans CVS
Diego Silva
Oct 24 | Instrucciones para trabajar la traducción de NetBeans 6.5 usando Subversion


Varun Nischal

Oct 20 | Configure XAMPP with Database Explorer

Aristides Villarreal Bravo

Oct 20 | Plugins de Localizaciones

Noticias Especiales

Boletin de Noticias localizado ...
Weekly Newsletter Edition #10 fue liberado en Español también. Compruebe este blog para más actualizaciones sobre como tener acceso a boletines de noticias por email/feedreaders.

Otro Tutorial Destacado..
Después de una brecha de casi 2 meses, tengo otro tutorial que aparece en NetBeans Knowledge Base

Reconocimiento de la Comunidad ..
Como parte de las celebraciones de cumpleaños,el Programa NetBeans Community Docs consiguó el reconocimiento,y dio reconocimiento a nuestros héroes colaboradores, leer más...

Mayor Colaborador ..
Aristides Villarreal Bravo

Dream Team Docs
Aug 2008 [Tutoriales]
Aristides contribuyó parte de los tutoriales en el mes de Agosto. A continuación, puede ver el FAQs del Desarrollador!

Esta edición se ha presentado a usted por;
Aristides Villarreal Bravo

Envie sus comentarios/sugerencias para mejorarlo.
Si desea suscribirse mediante email para el semanal-
hágalo ahora!
Muchas gracias!
Available Languages: English , German , Spanish

Monday, October 27, 2008

NBCD Weekly Newsletter #11

Final Acknowledgements

One more hurrah as the NetBeans 10th Birthday celebration comes to a close! And this one goes out to all the outstanding individuals who have been involved in the NetBeans project, from inception to present-day efforts. We want to recognize and thank some of them.
There are so many more people who have helped the NetBeans Project through this journey; although we cannot thank all by name they have our utmost gratitude. Thank you for ten amazing years!
Decathlon ends, Greetings from James Gosling, Prague office, Brazil and finally, closing words by Sun CEO Jonathan Schwartz.

Thank you for celebrating
NetBeans Birthday!

Latest docs


Aristides Villarreal Bravo
Oct 27 | Usar CVS

Oct 24 | Como integrar sus archivos en NetBeans CVS
Diego Silva
Oct 24 | Instrucciones para trabajar la traducción de NetBeans 6.5 usando Subversion

How To

Varun Nischal

Oct 20 | Configure XAMPP with Database Explorer

Aristides Villarreal Bravo

Oct 20 | Plugins de Localizaciones

Special News

Localized Newsletter..
Weekly Newsletter Edition #10 was released in Spanish as well. Check this blog for more updates on how to access localized newsletters through email/feedreaders.

Another Tutorial Featured..
After a gap of nearly 2 months, another tutorial got featured in NetBeans Knowledge Base

Community Recognition..
As part of Birthday celebrations, NetBeans Community Docs Program got recognition, and also gave acknowledgement to our hero contributors, read more...

Topmost Contributor..
Aristides Villarreal Bravo

Dream Team Docs
Aug 2008 [Tutorials]
Aristides contributed lot of tutorials in the month of August. Next, you would see Developer FAQs!

This edition was brought to you by;
Varun Nischal

Send in your comments/suggestions on improving it.
If you want to subscribe it through email for the weekly-
do it now!
Thank you so much!
Available Languages: English , German , Spanish

Aug 2008 | NBDT tutorials

Lets take a look at the contributions done by NetBeans Dream Team Members during the month of August, 2008!
Records Tumbling...
You're in for a surprise, NetBeans Dream Team contributed 13 docs, comprising of tips & Tricks, Tutorials and Developer Faqs. Phew!


This month, our program had 23 contributions, back-to-back record breaking months. Also, this was the second time, when we saw many Dream Team members contributed docs, instead of one. Also, we reached an important milestone- 200 docs!

This is the second part of the mini-blog series initiated last time... This entry would feature tutorials.


Aristides Villarreal Bravo
Aug 01
Tutorial Básico de NetBeans para novatos

Aug 05
Cambiando el Estado de un CheckBox

Aug 07
Reportes con JasperReport desde NetBeans

Aug 14
Tutorial Básico de NetBeans para Novatos Parte II (Bases Datos)

Aug 15
Agregando Componentes SwingX a la Paleta

Aug 26
Administrando Freehg desde NetBeans

Thank you, Aristides!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Another Tutorial got Featured

Recent Tutorials

Time to recognize another tutorial, and writer that got featured in NetBeans Knowledge Base. Its been a long time, since any documentation from our program got recognition. To be precise, almost 2 months have gone by.

However, today I am proud to feature myself on this blog as a successful writer, as I wrote the following tutorial 3 months back.

Note - Click on the image to get directed to the contributed documentations!
It feels great to be a part of this amazing project.

N, Varun

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

NetBeans Community Docs

....and the people who make it

The Community Docs program is yet another way in which NetBeans Community members can contribute to the success of NetBeans IDE.

Diego E. Silva L. - For actively contributing tutorials, tips and tricks, and a screencast in Spanish.

Hubert A. Klein Ikkink - For actively contributing tutorials and tips and tricks.

Prakan Puvibunsuk - For being a long-time contributor of screencasts.

Siegfried Bolz - For contributing many tutorials.

Tom Wheeler - For actively contributing developer FAQs.

We'd also like to recognize Aristides Villarreal and Kristian Rink for playing a huge role in the program as evangelists. And of course Varun Nischal (Contribution Coordinator) and Amit Kumar Saha (Content Manager).

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

NBCD Weekly Newsletter #10 (German)


Dies ist die
10. Ausgabe des Weekly Newsletter, zufälligerweise feiern wir auch den NetBeans-Geburtstag in dieser Woche.

Willkommen zu den Feierlichkeiten zum 10. NetBeans-Geburtstag! Begleite uns, während wir unsere lebendige Gemeinschaft feiern, Menschen und Projekte würdigen, die unseren Erfolg geformt haben!
Nimm am Decathlon teil, folge den täglichen Updates oder höre die Grußworte von James Gosling und den Menschen im Prager Büro und noch sehr viel mehr....

Zeit zu feiern, mach mit und
feiere den NetBeans-Geburtstag!

Neueste Beiträge

Tips und Tricks

Diego Silva

17. Oktober Cambiando el Look And Feel

16. Oktober I18n con Visual JSF
Prakan Puvibunsuk

12. Oktober Using Embedded Derby in SAF [Screencast]

Spezielle Neuigkeiten

Mehrsprachiger Newsletter..
Weekly Newsletter, Ausgabe #9 ist in deutscher Sprache erschienen.

Tips und Tricks
James Branam, Community-Docs - Program-Manager, hat eine "Bitte um Beiträge in 'Tips und Tricks'" bekanntgegeben, gefolgt von einem Blog-Eintrag zum Thema Übersetzung und Mehrsprachigkeit!

Aktivster Autor
Diego Silva

Blog da Docs

Diese Sektion berichtet über Blog-Einträge zu den Beiträgen des aktivsten Autors in Weekly Newsletter, Ausgabe #8, von Hubert A. Klein Ikkink.

Hubert A. Klein Ikkink
01-04 Cocoon, Maven with NetBeans

Dream Team Docs

August 2008 [Tips und Tricks]
Alex, Tonny und Varun haben einige Tips und Tricks im August beisgesteuert. Folgen werden neue Tutorials und FAQs für Entwickler!

Diese Ausgabe wurde bearbeitet von:
Kristian Rink

Sende uns Deine Kommentare und Vorschläge für Verbesserungen!
Ebenfalls verfügbar: E-Mail - Abonnements des Weekly Newsletter -
jetzt bestellen!
Vielen Dank!
Verfügbare Sprachen: English , German , Spanish

NBCD Weekly Newsletter #10 (Spanish)

Celebración de Cumpleaños de NetBeans

Este es nuestra
edición 10 del boletín semanal, coincidentalmente nosotros celebramos el cumpleaños tambien esta semana.
Bienvenido a la Celebración de los 10 años de NetBeans! Unase a nosotros a celebrar con nuestra vibrante comunidad y reconocer a las personas y proyectos que han formado nuestro éxito.!
Participa en el Decatlón, siga las Actualizaciones Diarias,vea los saludos de James Gosling y la oficina en Praga y mucho más.

Es tiempo de Fiesta, únase a nosotros
celebre el cumpleaños de NetBeans!

Documentos más recientes

Sugerencias y Trucos

Diego Silva
Oct 17 Cambiando el Look And Feel

Oct 16 I18n con Visual JSF
Prakan Puvibunsuk
Oct 12 Using Embedded Derby in SAF [Screencast]

Noticias Especiales

Boletín de Noticias Localizado....
Edición de Boletín de noticias Semanal #9 en Alemán fue liberado.

sugerencias y trucos..
James Branam, Program Manager anunció "Convocatoria para contribuciones de consejos y trucos", seguido por un blog de localización sobre ello!

Colaborador Destacado..
Diego Silva

Blog de Documentos

Esta sección destaca las entradas de blog contribuidos por el colaborador más destacado , en la Edición del boletín semanal de Noticias #8, por Hubert A. Klein Ikkink.

Hubert A. Klein Ikkink
01-04 Cocoon, Maven with NetBeans

Documentos del Dream Team
Aug 2008 [Trucos y Sugerencias]
Alex, Tonny and Varun contribuyeron con parte de los trucos y sugerencias en el mes de Agosto. A continuación, puede ver Tutoriales, FAQs de Desarrolladores!

Esta edición le fue traída por;
Aristides Villarreal Bravo

Envie sus comentarios/sugerencias para mejorarlo.
Si desea suscribirse mediante email para el semanal-
hagalo ahora!
Muchas gracias!
Lenguajes Disponibles: Ingles , Alemán , Español

NBCD Weekly Newsletter #10

NetBeans Birthday Celebrations

This is our
10th edition of Weekly Newsletter, coincidently we celebrate the birthday as well this week.
Welcome to the NetBeans 10th Birthday Celebration! Join us as we celebrate our vibrant community and recognize people and projects that have shaped our success!
Participate at Decathlon, follow Daily Updates, Greetings from James Gosling and Prague office and much more.

Party time, do join us
celebrate NetBeans Birthday!

Latest docs

Tips and Tricks

Diego Silva
Oct 17 | Cambiando el Look And Feel

Oct 16 | I18n con Visual JSF
Prakan Puvibunsuk
Oct 12 | Using Embedded Derby in SAF [Screencast]

Special News

Localized Newsletter..
Weekly Newsletter Edition #9 in German was released.

tips and Tricks..
James Branam, Program Manager announced "Call for Contributions- tips and tricks", followed by blog on localizing them!

Topmost Contributor..
Diego Silva

Blog da Docs

This section features the blog entries of the docs contributed by the topmost contributors featured, in the Weekly Newsletter Edition #8, by Hubert A. Klein Ikkink.

Hubert A. Klein Ikkink
01-04 | Cocoon, Maven with NetBeans

Dream Team Docs
Aug 2008 [Tips and Tricks]
Alex, Tonny and Varun contributed lot of tips and Tricks in the month of August. Next, you would see Tutorials, Developer FAQs!

This edition was brought to you by;
Varun Nischal

Send in your comments/suggestions on improving it.
If you want to subscribe it through email for the weekly-
do it now!
Thank you so much!
Available Languages: English , German , Spanish

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Aug 2008 | NBDT tips and Tricks

Lets take a look at the contributions done by NetBeans Dream Team Members during the month of August, 2008!

When was the last time they contributed?
A month back, in July, 2008 by Aristides Villarreal Bravo, Kristian Rink and Wade Chandler.

Records Tumbling...

You're in for a surprise, NetBeans Dream Team contributed 13 docs, comprising of tips & Tricks, Tutorials and Developer Faqs. Phew!

This month, our program had 23 contributions, back-to-back record breaking months. Also, this was the second time, when we saw many Dream Team members contributed docs, instead of one. Also, we reached an important milestone- 200 docs!

So, I am dividing this particular blog entry into three parts, as every category has good number of contributions and its worth giving each category and respective authors acknowledgement separately. This entry would cover tips and Tricks.

Tips and Tricks

Varun Nischal
Aug 03
Add/Remove Sort Key from TableDataProvider Woodstock Components
Alex Kotchnev
Aug 06
Freeform Project JUnit Test Results
Tonny Kohar
Aug 19
Netbeans Platform Standalone Module Branding tips

Aug 19

Netbeans Platform Localization as Plugins

Thank you, Alex and Tonny!

Cocoon, Maven with NetBeans

Hubert A. Klein Ikkink was featured in our Weekly Newsletter Edition #8, as a Topmost Contributor. He contributed 3 taT's and 1 Tutorial based on using Cocoon, Maven with NetBeans. Lets, take a look-

Tips and Tricks

Sep 28 | Shutdown Jetty started by Maven in NetBeans
We can start Jetty with the jetty:run command in NetBeans, but because of an issue for Windows users (see Issue 138116) we cannot shutdown Jetty from within NetBeans. We can of course start the Windows TaskManager and kill the process by hand, but wouldn't it be nice of we could just stop Jetty from within NetBeans?

Sep 29 | Using JTattoo Look and Feel in NetBeans
NetBeans is a normal Java Swing application. This means we can use different look-and-feel packages available for Swing to change the default look-and-feel. I like the JTattoo look-and-feel package. JTattoo provides several themes we can use.

Sep 29 | Using External Maven with Cocoon 2.2 in NetBeans
Working with Cocoon 2.2 is a blessing compared to the previous versions. Cocoon 2.2 is now based on the Spring framework and uses Maven for the build process. Especially the dependency mechanism of Maven makes creating a new Cocoon application a lot easier. And if there is one IDE out there with superb Maven support than it is NetBeans.



Sep 29 | Build Cocoon Application using Maven 2
This tutorial is based on the Your first Cocoon application using Maven 2 tutorial, but this time we are going to use NetBeans to build the application!


Thanks, Hubert!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Localize: tips and Tricks


As we have planned to call this month as Tips and Tricks Month, it would be only possible, if you put in some efforts and help us achieve another milestone by the time we celebrate NetBeans Birthday!

So, we were thinking if you don't have any new tips and Tricks, though its sounds impossible as we have a large community base. We thought why not let you localize the existing tips and Tricks as well.

So, pick up any TaT's written in English from these Wikis;
Main Contributions List and Archived Docs

Feel free to comment on this blog and let us know which Wiki you want to localize, begin now!

Start localizing!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

NBCD Weekly Newsletter #9 (German)

Spotlight der Wocke

Leider gibt es auch diesmal keinen NBCD-Mitwirkenden, den wir ins Spotlight hätten stellen können... Falls Du der Meinung bist, daß Dein Name hier stehen sollte, dann mach mit, werde aktiv und, wer weiß, vielleicht bringt Dich Dein Beitrag schon nächste Woche hier an diese Stelle.

Für eine Übersicht über die Menschen, die schon im Spotlight standen:

Neueste Dokumentation

Tips und Tricks

Varun Nischal

08. Oktober | Open Projects in a Different Way

Spezielle Neuigkeiten

Übersetzter Newsletter...
In der letzten Woche hat Kristian Rink, NetBeans Community Docs (NBCD) Evangelist, einen speziellen Newsletter verfaßt, der in deutscher Sprache übersetzt veröffentlicht wurde. Ab sofort soll es wöchentlich eine englische und eine deutsche Version des Newsletters geben.

Updates im Programm
Wie vorangehend schon geschrieben, hat es einige Veränderungen im Programm gegeben. Ab sofort kann auch der deutschsprachige Newsletter per E-Mail abonniert werden. Mehr...

Aktivster Autor
Varun Nischal


Dieser Abschnitt präsentiert heute Blog-Einträge der aktivsten Autoren, die auch in den Newsletter-Ausgaben #5 und #7 genannt worden, namentlich Tom Wheeler und Paulo Canedo:

Tom Wheeler
01 | Four Developer FAQ's

Paulo Canedo
02 | Creating a CRUD with JSF and Ajax using NetBeans 6.5 Beta

Diese Ausgabe wurde bearbeitet von:
Kristian Rink

Sende uns Deine Kommentare und Vorschläge für Verbesserungen!
Ebenfalls verfügbar: E-Mail - Abonnements des Weekly Newsletter -
jetzt bestellen!
Vielen Dank!
English | Verfügbare Sprachen | German

Call for Contributions: Tips and Tricks

Hi all,
It's October, and we haven't had a lot of contributions so far this month. Why don't we put together a bunch of Tips & Tricks. Anything helping a NetBeans user do his/her job will qualify as a contribution.

I hope to put together a list of these, and maybe even have them published on line (as your contributions). What do you think?

So, let's start sending these in. No ideas? Just update one for an earlier version of NetBeans.

I know that i can count on you all.


Monday, October 13, 2008

NBCD Weekly Newsletter #9

Spotlight of the Week

Yet again, we didn't have anyone to give spotlight to, if you feel you're the one that should get spotlight. Then, do join us, contribute and who knows your contributions could give you spotlight too!

Have a look at people who got spotlight on this blog-

Latest docs

Tips and Tricks

Varun Nischal

Oct 08 | Open Projects in a Different Way

Special News

Localized Newsletter..
Last week- Kristian Rink, NetBeans Community Docs (NBCD) Evangelist had blogged a special newsletter which was localized in German. So, from now onwards every week you would see an English and German version of weekly newsletters.

Program Updates..
As per the above news item, there has been some program updates. Now, you can also subscribe German weekly newsletters through email. Read more...

Topmost Contributor..
Varun Nischal

Blog da Docs

This section features the blog entries of the docs contributed by the topmost contributors featured, in the Weekly Newsletter Edition #5 and #7, by Tom Wheeler and Paulo Canedo respectively.

Tom Wheeler
01 | Four Developer FAQ's

Paulo Canedo
02 | Creating a CRUD with JSF and Ajax using NetBeans 6.5 Beta

This edition was brought to you by;
Varun Nischal

Send in your comments/suggestions on improving it.
If you want to subscribe it through email for the weekly-
do it now!
Thank you so much!
English | Available Languages | German

Friday, October 10, 2008

Creating a CRUD with JSF and Ajax using NetBeans 6.5 Beta

Paulo Canedo, featured as Topmost Contributor in the Weekly Newsletter #7, and he contributed one tutorial in two forms, English and Portuguese!

Lets have a look at some of the screenshots of the tutorial, before you get going with coding...

Fig 1 |
Creating a New Persistence Unit [Portuguese]

Latest Updates

Updated on Dec 30, 2008
With the release of 20th edition,
the series of weekly newsletters comes to end..

NBCD Weekly Newsletters
Monday, 18th August- The day, we launched a unique blog series of newsletters, featuring content concerned with the happenings within the NetBeans Community Docs Program.
  • Spotlight of the Week
  • Latest Docs
    • Contributions within that week
  • Special News
  • and few more...

Early October 2008,
It got started in English, however Kristian Rink, NBCD Evangelist, also the NetBeans Dream Team Member posted first ever German translation of our weekly newsletters.

During NetBeans B'day Bash,
Aristides Villarreal Bravo, NBCD Evangelist, one of the founding members and still a member of the NetBeans Dream Team, posted first ever Spanish translation of our weekly newsletters.
Figure: Look on the right-panel of this blog for the above widget and then,
click on "/Weekly" for English feeds, and "German", "Spanish" for Translated feeds..

Email Subscriptions..
You can subscribe these feeds through email as well, for English (en_US) and for German (de_DE) or Spanish (es_ES). Those who have already subscribed, should consider staying with subscription for sometime and wait for further announcements.
Its Not Over Yet..
We would be releasing Monthly Newsletters from January 2009 onwards. Read the complete story in the latest edition of weekly newsletter. Necessary details would be posted on the blog, twitter and mailing list.

Happy NetBeaning!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

NBCD Weekly Newsletter #8 (German)

Spotlight der Woche

Leider haben wir auch in dieser Woche keinen Kandidaten zur Vorstellung in unserem Spotlight; wenn Du der Meinung bist, Du solltest dort vorgestellt werden, dann mach mit, füge Deinen Beitrag ein und vielleicht bringt dieser auch Dich ins Spotlight des Community Docs - Programmes!

Für eine Übersicht über all jene, die bislang im Spotlight dieses Blogs standen:

September - 16 neue Dokumentationsbeiträge

Neueste Dokumentation


Aristides Villarreal Bravo
30. September | Usando Cube°n

Hubert A. Klein Ikkink
29. September | Build Cocoon Application using Maven 2 in NetBeans

Tips und Tricks

Hubert A. Klein Ikkink
29. September | Use External Maven to work with Cocoon 2.2

29. September | Using JTattoo L&F with NetBeans

28. September | Shutdown Jetty started by Maven in NetBeans

Besondere Neuigkeiten

Verweisend auf etwas, worauf wir durchaus stolz sein dürfen - wir sehen Euch als unsere Helden.

Updates im Programm...
Amit Kumar Saha, schrieb kürzlich über 2 wichtige Ankündigungen, zum ersten über die Tatsache, daß dieses Blog demnächst mehrsprachig wird und, zum zweiten, über aktuelle Updates im Eclipse To NetBeans - Dokumentations-Unterprojekt.

Aktivster Autor...
Hubert A. Klein Ikkink

Diese Ausgabe wurde bearbeitet von:
Kristian Rink

Sende uns Deine Kommentare und Vorschläge für Verbesserungen!
Ebenfalls verfügbar: E-Mail - Abonnements des Weekly Newsletter -
jetzt bestellen!
Vielen Dank!

Four Developer FAQs

Tom Wheeler was featured in our Weekly Newsletter #5, so lets take a quick look at what all he contributed during that time.

How can I suppress Unexpected Exception Dialog?
If your code generates an uncaught exception at runtime, NetBeans will display a dialog box which can show the details of that exception to the user. This is a welcome alternative to simply crashing the application, and provided you have written solid code, your user should never see this dialog anyway.


How can I register services into the Lookup using the System Filesystem?
In short, you probably do not want to. The typical way of registering services is via META-INF/services registration: DevFaqLookupDefault. That method is easier to use and offers compatibility with non-platform applications via the Java Extension Mechanism.


How can code in one module be notified when other modules are loaded or unloaded?
Let's begin by stating that you probably do not need to know when other modules are loaded or unloaded. The module system takes care of dependency management for you, so your module should never be loaded unless all of its stated dependencies are loaded too.


I got a ClassNotFoundException or NoClassDefFoundError. How can I fix it?

The most likely explanation is that you have a problem in your dependencies. In order for a class in one module to reference a class/interface defined in another module, the following must be true:
  1. The class/interface being referenced must be visible to the code using it, according to the normal Java visibility rules. This typically means that the class must be public, since package-private access across modules is impossible.
  2. The package containing the class/interface must be exported (marked as providing an API visible to other modules).
  3. The module containing the code which uses this class/interface must declare a dependency on the module which provides it.

Thanks, Tom!

Monday, October 6, 2008

NBCD Weekly Newsletter #8

Spotlight of the Week

Yet again, we didn't have anyone to give spotlight to, if you feel you're the one that should get spotlight. Then, do join us, contribute and who knows your contributions could give you spotlight too!

Have a look at people who got spotlight on this blog-

September Month- 16 Docs Contributed..

Latest docs


Aristides Villarreal Bravo
Sep 30 | Usando Cube°n

Hubert A. Klein Ikkink
Sep 29 | Build Cocoon Application using Maven 2 in NetBeans

Tips and Tricks

Hubert A. Klein Ikkink
Sep 29 | Use External Maven to work with Cocoon 2.2

Sep 29 | Using JTattoo L&F with NetBeans

Sep 28 | Shutdown Jetty started by Maven in NetBeans

Special News

Have a look at something you can be proud of, as we think you are our heroes.

Program Updates..
Amit Kumar Saha, recently blogged 2 important announcements, firstly on this blog becoming multilingual and secondly, updates from Eclipse To NetBeans sub-docs project.

Topmost Contributor..
Hubert A. Klein Ikkink

This edition was brought to you by;
Varun Nischal

Send in your comments/suggestions on improving it.
If you want to subscribe it through email for the weekly-
do it now!
Thank you so much!



Actually, you should be, as I am going to share something unique with you guys. So, why did I wrote "Heroes" as the title of this post?







Let me tell you, I am not talking about the famous TV series- "HEROES", ok..

I am talking about our "HEROES", the contributors to this documentation project- NetBeans Community Docs!

NetBeans Community Docs Heroes
I believe that, "People who spend time in saving others time", should be considered as heroes. I am really not aware how the world defines a Hero? There would be various ways to define a hero.

However, for our documentation project, we couldn't think beyond contributors as our heroes. They do spend a lot of time exploring NetBeans IDE inside-out, and from this experience, they tend to share a lot of information with a community of users (distributed around the world), in the form of documentation, which would really help the users save a lot of time!

Today, we want to acknowledge all of them, we have created a document enlisting all the contributors of our project, firstly classified on the basis of years, and then months- in which they joined us.


Sunday, October 5, 2008

General Eclipse Import Guide for NetBeans 6.5

http://www.netbeans.org/kb/docs/java/import-eclipse.html provides some useful background information for Eclipse users to import their projects into NetBeans.

This document is a good read for the specific scenarios dealt in the documents at http://wiki.netbeans.org/EclipseToNetBeans which is a NetBeans Community Docs sub-project.

Previous updates on the project are available at http://amitksaha.blogspot.com/search/label/eclipse-to-netbeans

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Catering to a wider audience

At the NetBeans Community Docs, we have seen a steady stream of flow of non-English docs over the past few months.

We now non-English speaking evangelists as well.

Today, we just take one step more to reach to the large non-English speaking NetBeans Community with a Google Translate Gadget (top right) on this blog. It will automatically allow you to view the page in any of the chosen language from the supported languages.

Have fun.