
This is the project blog of Multilingual NetBeans Community Docs Program- a community documentation project which has grown in leaps-and-bounds since it was launched in March, 2007. We have had high quality contributions and more enthusiastic community members.

We have stopped publishing weekly newsletters, however we started off publishing monthly one's instead. Scroll down for latest posts on this blog!

Last Updated: Oct 14, 2009

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

NBCD Weekly Newsletter #20 (Spanish)

Últimos Documentos de la Comunidad

Trucos & Sugerencias

Aristides Villarreal Bravo
Dec 24 | Cambiar el formato de fecha de jXDatePicker

Trucos & Sugerencias

Anton Epple
Dec 24 | Create your own Platform versions

Dec 24 | Fix Navigator Mode in NetBeans Platform Applications

Dec 23 | NetBeans on USB Stick


Vaibhav Choudhary

Dec 26 | Getting Started with JavaFX (NB 6.1)

Noticias Especiales

Nuevo Contribuidor..
Vaibhav Choudhary es el último contribuidor del Programa NetBeans Community Docs .

Documentos JavaFX..
Hoy, James escribio en su blog acerca de la última contribución realizada por Vaibhav en Java FX, él escribio apasionadamente acerca de Java FX en su blogs. Deseando más documentos de él, así como de usted y a la comunidad de NetBeans. Rock on!!

Que es lo Nuevo..
Esta ese la última edición de nuestro Weekly Newsletters y desde Enero de 2009 en adelante, usted comenzara a recibir el Boletin Mensualmente... Por lo tanto , hemos comenzado a archivar arctículos de noticias seleccionados desde el boletin semanal publicados anteriormente al 19 y esta edición sera la última.

Esperando a todos ustedes han disfrutado de nuestra dosis semanal de últimas noticias de nuestro programa de documentos de comunidad NetBeans multilingüe y esperamos con interés con su cooperación en el año nuevo así.

Saludos de temporada

Esperando que todos ustedes hayan disfrutado nuestra dosis semanal de las últimas noticias desde nuestro Multilingual NetBeans Community Docs Program y esperamos con interés su cooperación en el Nuevo Año también.

Para finalizar, James Branam (NetBeans Community Docs Program Manager) ha escrito un special post para este programa y la comunidadand en el éxito del proyecto y un año lleno de acontecimientos, también discutiendo lo que se encuentra en el futuro..

Esta edición ha sido presentada a usted por;
Aristides Villarreal Bravo

Available Languages: English , German, Spanish

Monday, December 29, 2008

NBCD Weekly Newsletter #20

Latest Community Docs

Tips & Tricks

Aristides Villarreal Bravo
Dec 24 | Cambiar el formato de fecha de jXDatePicker

Tips & Tricks

Anton Epple
Dec 24 | Create your own Platform versions

Dec 24 | Fix Navigator Mode in NetBeans Platform Applications

Dec 23 | NetBeans on USB Stick


Vaibhav Choudhary

Dec 26 | Getting Started with JavaFX (NB 6.1)

Special News

New Contributor..
Vaibhav Choudhary is one of the latest contributor of the NetBeans Community Docs Program.

JavaFX Docs..
Today, James blogged about the latest contribution made by Vaibhav on Java FX, he's blogging passionately about Java FX on his blogs. Looking forward to more docs from him, as well as from you and NetBeans community. Rock on!!

What's New..
This is the last edition of our Weekly Newsletters and from January 2009 onwards, you would start receiving Monthly Newsletters... So, we had started archiving selected news items from the previously published 19 weekly newsletters and this edition would provide the last one.

Season Greetings

Hoping you all have enjoyed our weekly dose of latest news from our Multilingual NetBeans Community Docs Program and we look forward to your cooperation in the New Year as well.

To end, James Branam (NetBeans Community Docs Program Manager) has written a special post for this program and the community on the project's successful & eventful year, also discussing what lies in the future..

The final edition was brought to you by;
Varun Nischal
Available Languages: English , German, Spanish

Year In Review: Blogs, Wikis, Evangelists and More...

So, 2 days left for New Year 2009 and everyone's in party mood, so are we. However, we want to end this year with a special review done by none-other-than James Branam, NetBeans Community Docs Program Manager.

Year 2008

2008 was a very successful year for the NetBeans Community Docs program, and I am proud to say that all of you played a role in its success. I especially would like to thank Contribution Coordinator Varun Nischal for his tremendous achievements and innovative leadership, both of which were vital factors in the growth of the program.

2008 also saw the appointment of Community Docs Evangelists, increased multi-language documentation, the publication of a regular newsletter, and a blog dedicated to the program. 2008 was also a good year for the program in terms of recognition. It was highlighted in several articles and as part of NetBeans 10th Birthday celebration.

Year 2009

2009 is nearly here, and the program will continue to evolve. We want to take the existing momentum and expand the program to reach a wider range of contributors. We also want to increase focusing on quality of contributions and adherence to existing style guides. Another challenge we look forward to engaging is creating a more purposeful documentation wish list and creating specialists for certain types of documentation.

On April 1, a new Contribution Coordinator will take the reins: Kristian Rink. A long time participant in the program, Kristian will bring new ideas to the program, building on the strong foundation that Amit Kumar Saha and Varun Nischal have established.

Happy New Year

I look forward to the new year and the challenges it will certainly bring. More importantly, I am proud to be working with such fine people as you all are, and I wish you a happy, healthy, and successful 2009.

Thank You!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Season Greetings

On behalf of the NetBeans Community Docs Team, I would like to wish each one of you who has been part of this successful community-driven project, NetBeans Community Docs Program...

Merry Christmas
, as well as want to tell you that on 29th December, 2008. We would be publishing 20th and the last edition of Weekly Newsletter, as thereafter you would receive Monthly Newsletters...

So, make sure you don't miss the special edition next week...

Stay Tuned for more...

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

275 Docs and counting...


We crossed an important milestone, as we await a major one! We have now more than 275 community-contributed docs as per Dec 24, 2008...We are now just 23 away from reaching a bigger milestone: 300 docs

Once again, thanks all for putting in your efforts...
We are rocking!

Monday, December 22, 2008

NBCD Weekly Newsletter #19 (Spanish)

Últimos Documentos de la Comunidad


Samuel Tan
Dec 19 | NetBeans 6.1 Hibernate JPA
Hendro Steven
Dec 19 | Simple JPA Application with Netbeans 6.0/6.1

Hubert A. Klein Ikkink
Dec 16 | Create Groovy 1.5.7 script in NetBeans 6.5

Noticias Especiales

Nuevo Contribuidor..
Hendro Steven, Samuel Tan son los últimos contribuidores del Programa NetBeans Community Docs.

... Tú eres sólo un mensaje de correo electrónico fuera, ¿qué decir?

Documentos Python ..
Bien, todos conocen acerca de Python EA Release con NetBeans 6.5, acerca de cómo contribuyen los documentos basados en el soporte Python ...Estás a sólo un correo electrónico, ¿qué dice?

Libro de Trucos y Sugerencias..
Este libro se centra en las recetas específicas que pueden hacerle más productivo en sus tareas rutinarias de desarrollo y proporciona respuestas a sus preguntas más apremiantes.

Dream Team Docs
Nov 2008
Aristides, Kristian contribuyeron con tutoriales, mientras Tom documento otro developer faq, en el mes de Noviembre.

Esta edición ha sido presentada a usted por;
Aristides Villarreal Bravo
Available Languages: English , German, Spanish

NBCD Weekly Newsletter #19

Latest Community Docs


Samuel Tan
Dec 19 | NetBeans 6.1 Hibernate JPA
Hendro Steven
Dec 19 | Simple JPA Application with Netbeans 6.0/6.1

Hubert A. Klein Ikkink
Dec 16 | Create Groovy 1.5.7 script in NetBeans 6.5

Special News

New Contributor..
Hendro Steven, Samuel Tan are the latest contributors of the NetBeans Community Docs Program.

Python Docs..
Well, you all know about Python EA Release with NetBeans 6.5, how about contributing docs based on the Python support...You're just an email away, what say?

Tips & Tricks Book..
This book focuses on specific recipes that can make you more productive in your routine development tasks and provides answers to your most pressing questions.

Dream Team Docs
Nov 2008
Aristides, Kristian contributed tutorials, while Tom documented yet another developer faq, in the month of November.

This edition was brought to you by;
Varun Nischal
Available Languages: English , German, Spanish

Nov 2008 | NetBeans Dream Team

Now, we shall see contributions done by NetBeans Dream Team Members during the month of November, 2008!

When was the last time they contributed?
Two months back, in Oct '08! They contributed Tutorials and Tips & Tricks.


Aristides Villarreal Bravo
Nov 04
Primeros pasos con Documentos NetBeans
Kristian Rink
Nov 06
Schnellstart mit der NetBeans-Dokumentation

Developer FAQ

Tom Wheeler
Nov 10
There sure are a lot of modules in the source tree. What are they for?

Thank you, Aristides, Kristian and Tom!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

NBCD Weekly Newsletter #18 (Spanish)

Últimos Documentos de la Comunidad


Prakan Puvibunsuk
Dec 09 | Pagination in SAF

Trucos y Sugerencias

Varun Nischal
Dec 08 | Want to use GSF API's?

Anton Epple
Dec 08 | Fix External Web Browser in NetBeans Platform Application

Michel Graciano
Dec 08 | Solving editor garbled text

Noticias Especiales

Documentos de Noviembre estan archivados, además ahora puedes encontrar mensualmente quien es "Topmost Contributor" visitando el archivo wiki de cada mes separadamente. Actualmente , sólo esta visible los meses del 2008, se esta trabajando para el 2007 ...

Blogs Deliciosos...
Se ha añadido un widget en el panel derecho de nuestro blog (debajo de la sección "The Gang" ) que muestra los blogs marcados ocasionalmente con su estatus...Puede ver las últimas 5 entradas..
Háganos saber ¿qué sientes?

Primer Aniversario..
El miembro de la comunidad, Varun Nischal celebró su cumpleaños el domingo 14 de Diciembre. El dia que realmente empezo a escribir documentos el año pasado.Por lo tanto, es su primer aniversario con este proyecto. Por lo tanto, su su primer aniversario con este proyecto. Las Personas interesadas pueden dar una lectura a su blog...

Blog da Docs

Esta sección incluye las entradas de los blogs contribuidos por los contribuidores superiores , en nuestras ediciones del boletín semanal (#11, #14, #15, #16).

Aristides Villarreal Bravo
#11 | CVS and Localization

Hubert A. Klein Ikkink
#14, #15, #16 | Tips and Tricks, Hat-trick Hero

Esta edición ha sido presentada a usted por;
Aristides Villarreal Bravo
Available Languages: English , German, Spanish

Monday, December 15, 2008

NBCD Weekly Newsletter #18

Latest Community Docs


Prakan Puvibunsuk
Dec 09 | Pagination in SAF

Tips and Tricks

Varun Nischal
Dec 08 | Want to use GSF API's?

Anton Epple
Dec 08 | Fix External Web Browser in NetBeans Platform Application

Michel Graciano
Dec 08 | Solving editor garbled text

Special News

November Docs are now archived, also you can now find out who's the monthly "Topmost Contributor" by visiting wiki archive of each month separately. Currently, visible only in 2008 months, work for 2007 going on...

Delicious Blogs...

We have added a widget on right-panel of our blog (below "The Gang" section) that shows the blogs we bookmark occasionally along with their status...You would always see the latest 5 entries..Let us know what do you feel?

First Anniversary..
Community members, Varun Nischal celebrated his birthday on Sunday, Dec 14th. The day he actually began writing docs last year. So, its his first anniversary with this project. Interested people can give his blog a read..

Blog da Docs

This section features the blog entries of the docs contributed by the topmost contributor(s) featured, in our weekly newsletter editions (#11, #14, #15, #16).

Aristides Villarreal Bravo
#11 | CVS and Localization

Hubert A. Klein Ikkink
#14, #15, #16 | Tips and Tricks, Hat-trick Hero

This edition was brought to you by;
Varun Nischal
Available Languages: English , German, Spanish

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Special: Docs (13) and Newsletters (14, 15, 16)

13, 14, 15, 16... No, I am not counting anything, I am just figuring out the mystery behind this sequence of numbers..

Hubert A. Klein Ikkink has recently scored a hat-trick (Three Consecutive Weeks) of being recognized as Topmost Contributor of the weekly newsletter edition (#14, #15, #16) and that too within the same month. He has mainly focused on contributing Tips and Tricks.


Reason being, he has contributed 13 docs in the month of November, 2008. Coincidentally, we were publishing #14, #15 and #16 editions during that time.

So, here's a list of the docs, he wrote;

Tips and Tricks

Nov 21
Using NetBeans HTTP monitor with Jetty and Maven
Nov 16
Use fix code to correct your code
Nov 06
Getting sources from Maven repositories
Nov 05
NetBeans with newer Subversion client
Nov 04
Debugging Cocoon 2.2 in NetBeans

There are many more contributed in the past as well, contributed in previous 2-3 months! For more info, refer the archives.

Thanks, Hubert!

CVS and Localization

Aristides Villarreal Bravo (NetBeans Dream Team Member) was featured in our Weekly Newsletter Edition #11, as a Topmost Contributor. He contributed 2 articles based on CVS and 1 tutorial based on Localization Plugin. Lets take a look;


Oct 27 | Usar CVS
Para los que aun no han utilizado el soporte que brinda NetBeans para CVS, presento una guia bien rápida de como utilizarlo.


Oct 24 | Como integrar sus archivos en NetBeans CVS
Estas son las intrucciones de como puedes hacer commit de sus archivos a los repositorios de NetBeans CVS utilizando el IDE NetBeans. Si tienes acceso de esritura al servidor NetBeans CVS para translatedfiles, puedes integrar estos archivos libremente pero por favor note que usted necesita validar sus archivos antes de la integración.



Oct 20 | Plugins de Localizaciones
NetBeans, se traduce en diversos idiomas, se ha creado un plugin para que puedas tener el IDE en cualquiera de los idiomas soportados.


Thanks, Aristides!

The day I began writing docs...


You have all seen me blogging for more than a year now. Some people call me crazy, avid, passionate and/or highly active (hyper-active) blogger. Then, there were some who didn’t even bother reading my blogs OR commented negatively.

I never mind as I blog because I had developed an interest in it which made me passionate for blogging. Too, it helped me improve my writing skills, as last year I was new to blogging.

Continue Reading...

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

NBCD Weekly Newsletter #17 (Spanish)

Destacado de la Semana

Hoy, contamos con otro importante contribuyente, quién obtuvo el Community Recognition durante el NetBeans B'day Bash. Terminamos esta serie especial de blogs el Domingo, 7 de Diciembre.

Tom Wheeler
El ha sido por mucho tiempo colaborador de NetBeans Platform related Developer FAQs, observe algunas de las contribuciones en los últimos tiempos...

Últimos documentos

Trucos y Sugerencias

Kristian Rink
Dec 05 | NetBeans for Processing users

Diego E. Silva L.
Dec 03 | Cambiando el ícono a un JFrame

Andrew Harmel-Law
Dec 03 | Profiling Maven 2 Applications in Netbeans 6

Noticias Especiales

Nuevo Contribuidor..
Andrew Harmel-Law es el último contribuyente del Programa NetBeans Community Docs .

Restructuración de los documentos en sub-nivel en el wikis está casi completa. Pronto le daremos una guía sobre la forma de referirse a ellos para tener un acceso rápido /aleatorio a los documentos contribuidos por la comunidad.

Record Roto..
En el mes de Noviembre obtuvimos un gran conjunto de contribuciones. El tercer más exitoso mes en nuestro programa desde Julio, Agosto de este año.

Contribuyente Importante...
Acabamos de terminar una series de blogs sobre personas que tiene el Reconocimiento de la Comunidad...Gracias a Diego, Hubert, Prakan, Siegfried and Tom por sus contribuciones...

Dream Team Docs
Oct 2008
Aristides & Varun contribuyeron con tutoriales & trucos y sugerencias, respectivamente, en el mes de Octubre.

Esta edición se ha presentado a usted por;
Aristides Villarreal Bravo
Available Languages: English , German, Spanish

Monday, December 8, 2008

NBCD Weekly Newsletter #17

Spotlight of the Week

Today, we feature another significant contributor, who got Community Recognition during NetBeans B'day Bash. We ended this special blog series on Sunday, 7th Dec.

Tom Wheeler
He's been a long time contributor of NetBeans Platform related Developer FAQs, so lets have a look at some of them contributed in recent times...

Latest docs

Tips and Tricks

Kristian Rink
Dec 05 | NetBeans for Processing users

Diego E. Silva L.
Dec 03 | Cambiando el ícono a un JFrame

Andrew Harmel-Law
Dec 03 | Profiling Maven 2 Applications in Netbeans 6

Special News

New Contributor..
Andrew Harmel-Law is the latest contributor of the NetBeans Community Docs Program.

Restructuring of docs into sub-level wikis is almost complete. We will soon give you full fledged guide on how to refer to them for quick/random access to community contributed docs.

Record Broken..
November month we got another huge set of contributions. It was third most successful month in our program since July, August this year.

Significant Contributors...
We just ended a blog series on people who got Community Recognition...Thanks to Diego, Hubert, Prakan, Siegfried and Tom for their contributions...

Dream Team Docs
Oct 2008
Aristides & Varun contributed tutorials & tips 'n' tricks, respectively, in the month of October.

This edition was brought to you by;
Varun Nischal
Available Languages: English , German, Spanish

Significant Contributors

Hello all,

As I had started a blog series soon after we got Community Recognition during NetBeans Birthday Bash. I have ended the series yesterday, here are all the entries;
Dec 07
Tom Wheeler
Nov 30
Diego Silva
Nov 23
Hubert A. Klein Ikkink
Nov 07
Siegfried Bolz
Nov 01
Prakan Puvibunsuk

Thanks & Regards,
NetBeans Community Docs Team

Oct 2008 | NetBeans Dream Team

Now, we shall see contributions done by NetBeans Dream Team Members during the month of October, 2008!

When was the last time they contributed?
Three months back, in Sep '08! They contributed Tutorials and Developer FAQs.


Aristides Villarreal Bravo
Oct 29
Proyecto WebSynergy

Oct 27
Usar CVS

Oct 24
Como integrar sus archivos en NetBeans CVS

Oct 20

Plugins de Localizaciones

Tips and Tricks

Varun Nischal
Oct 28
NetBeans Platform- Configure Clusters And Modules

Oct 28
NetBeans Platform- Editor Windows Reactivated

Oct 20
(How To)
Configure XAMPP with DatabaseExplorer

Oct 08
Open Projects in a Different Way

Thank you, Aristides and Varun!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Community Recognition- Tom Wheeler

Tom Wheeler had once got the spotlight, recently acknowledged as Significant Contributor to our documentation project, during NetBeans Birthday Celebrations, when we got Community Recognition.

He's been a long time contributor of NetBeans Platform related Developer FAQs, so lets have a look at some of them contributed in recent times...

Developer FAQs

Nov 10
There sure are a lot of modules in the source tree. What are they for?
Sep 08
Four Developer FAQs...

He's also the one of the members of NetBeans Dream Team and also, NetBeans Governance Board Member.

Tom, thank you so much for your contributions!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

NBCD Weekly Newsletter #16 (German)

Spotlight der Woche

Paulo Canedo
Momentan arbeite ich in der Wirtschaftsregierung meines Staates und entwickle eine Kontoprüfungs-Software auf der NetBeans-Plattform. Daneben bin ich in einem separaten Projekt daran beteiligt, eine NetBeans-basierte Software zur Berechnung von Rentenzahlungen zu erarbeiten
Darüber hinaus gibt es einen weiteren herausragenden Autor, der mit der Anerkennung der Community während des NetBeans B'day Bash geehrt wurde. Hier ist

Diego Silva
Er ist seit langer Zeit Autor von verschiedenen Dokumentationsbeiträgen für die spanische Community; laßt uns einen Blick auf einige seiner Beiträge werfen...

November: 23 neue Beiträge...

Aktuelle Beiträge

Tips und Tricks

Hubert A. Klein Ikkink
26. November | Find Spring Beans in NetBeans 6.5

26. November |
Code completion for XSLT 2.0 in NetBeans 6.5

26. November |
Start NetBeans 6.5 with Nimbus look and feel
Avinash R. Prasad
25. November | Reading Chrome's bookmarks in Java

Besondere Neuigkeiten

Neuer Autor...
Avinash R. Prasad ist der neueste Autor des NetBeans Community Docs - Programmes.

Die Restrukturierung der Dokumentation in geordnete Unter-Wikis geht in die letzte Phase. Bald werden wir einen vollständigen Überblick darüber geben, wie diese am besten für schnellen Zugriff auf Community-Dokumentation zu verwenden sind.

James (Program-Manager) startete eine Serie von Blog-Einträgen über verschiedene Tutorials des Web-Learning-Trails in der Dokumentation von NetBeans 6.5! Amit (Content Manager) hat zudem seine Dokumentation zur Nutzung von Android mit NetBeans aktualisiert.

Hubert hat den Hat-Trick geschafft, in drei aufeinanderfolgenden Wochen als aktivster Autor der Woche und damit auch des Monats in Erscheinung zu treten...

Aktivster Autor..
Hubert A. Klein Ikkink

Beiträge des Dream Team
September 2008
Aristides & Tom verfaßten einige Tutorials & Developer FAQs während des Monats September.

Diese Ausgabe wurde bearbeitet von:
Kristian Rink
Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch , Deutsch , Spanisch

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

NBCD Weekly Newsletter #16

Spotlight of the Week

Paulo Canedo
Currently, I'm working in Enterprise Government of my State, developing an Accounting Audit Application using NetBeans Platform, also I'm working in a separated project developing an application that makes Retirement Calculation.
Also, we have got yet another significant contributor, who got Community Recognition during NetBeans B'day Bash. So, lets have a look at him;

Diego Silva
He's been a long time contributor of several kinds of documentations for Spanish community, so lets have a look at some of them contributed in recent times...

November Month- 23 Docs Contributed..

Latest docs

Tips and Tricks

Hubert A. Klein Ikkink
Nov 26 | Find Spring Beans in NetBeans 6.5

Nov 26 |
Code completion for XSLT 2.0 in NetBeans 6.5

Nov 26 |
Start NetBeans 6.5 with Nimbus look and feel
Avinash R. Prasad
Nov 25 | Reading Chrome's bookmarks in Java

Special News

New Contributor..
Avinash R. Prasad is the latest contributor of the NetBeans Community Docs Program.

Restructuring of docs into sub-level wikis is in its last phase. We will soon give you full fledged guide on how to refer to them for quick/random access to community contributed docs.

Team News..
James (Program Manager) started off a blog series on tutorials from Web Learning Trail for NetBeans 6.5! Also, Amit (Content Manager) updated his documentation on Android usage!

Hubert has scored a hat-trick (Three Consecutive Weeks) of being recognized as Topmost Contributor of the week and that too within the same month.

Topmost Contributor..
Hubert A. Klein Ikkink

Dream Team Docs
Sep 2008
Aristides & Tom contributed tutorials & developer faqs, respectively, in the month of September.

This edition was brought to you by;
Varun Nischal
Available Languages: English , German, Spanish

Sep 2008 | NetBeans Dream Team

Blog series continues!

Now, we shall see contributions done by NetBeans Dream Team Members during the month of September, 2008!

When was the last time they contributed?
Long time back, in August '08! They were so many, that I had to break the total contributions into three sets and then, blog about them separately;
Tips and Tricks > Tutorials > Developer FAQs


Aristides Villarreal Bravo
Sep 30
Usando Cube°n

Sep 10
Integración de tipos de archivos

Sep 09
Inicio rápido de Plugins con NetBeans

Developer FAQs

Tom Wheeler
Sep 08
Four FAQs on NetBeans Platform

Thank you, Aristides and Tom!