We're back, yes! Its time to throw spotlight on a special contributor, who has really set an example for others, and has been doing great, by translating tutorials into Spanish for Spanish users! He's also the founding member of NetBeans Dream Team. He's Aristides Villarreall Bravo, the Spanish hero, though he lives in Panama!Lets have a look at his recent contributions at Community Docs-
- Usando API de persistencia Java con una aplicación Visual Web Pack
- Tutorial de Mercurial
- Tutorial de NetBeans Visual Library en Español
What do you do?
Java Programmer, Teacher, Manager of NetBeans Translation into Spanish, President of PanamaJUG(Java user groups of Panama).
When did you first start using NetBeans?
Start using NetBeans 3.6, for creating a desktop application with databases, using swing. Previously used simple editors.
What do you like best about NetBeans?
1. Support of Visual Web.
2. NetBeans Platform.
3. The Editor is very good.
4. Matisse
5. The Community is great.
Thank you, so much!